Calendar of events

All events in Saint-Maurice

Saint-Maurice enjoys numerous events to the delight of its inhabitants throughout the year.  Cultural, spiritual, sporting and popular events, whatever you choose give us the pleasure of a visit!

I'm the executioner's mother

With Clémentine Célarié.
By David Lelait-Helo.
Adapted and directed by Clémentine Célarié.

She loved an angel, he was the devil.
When Gabrielle discovers what a monster her beloved son really is, it's already too late... Beneath the armor of this stern woman, a mother's heart bursts into pieces.
How can she survive the ultimate betrayal? Where can her mother's love lead her? Gabrielle sets off in search of herself. Where did she go wrong? Did she love badly? Or simply loved too much?

"Je suis la maman du bourreau", adapted from the novel by David Lelait-Helo (Prix Claude Chabrol 2022), takes us into the depths of the human soul, where disappointed hopes, betrayed promises and the invincible love of a mother collide. The dizzying story of a woman whose love and humanity overwhelm us...

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Date 10.04.2025 20:30
Prix 1st category: 65 francs / 2nd category: 55 francs.
Adresse Théâtre du Martolet
Localité 1890 St-Maurice


Site web

Saint-Maurice Tourisme

Place de la Gare 2 / CP 110
1890 Saint-Maurice / Suisse
Tél: +41 (0)24 485 40 40

14h00 to 17h00
9h00 to 12h00
14h00 to 17h00
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