Galerie ContreContre

An exhibition place


The ContreContre Gallery opened in 2016 as the result of a meeting of four artists.

Each of them wanted to bring together their experiences, know-how and a common desire to share the practice of various artistic disciplines, such as painting, sculpture, photography, music and drama with a wider audience.

The gallery hosts a variety of exhibitions with the potential to create community, personal and social relationships. Visitors have the opportunity to discover, share and exchange ideas in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The gallery also plans to hold regular exhibitions of works by invited Swiss and international artists.



The exhibitions take place from April to November.



Saint-Maurice Tourisme

Place de la Gare 2 / CP 110
1890 Saint-Maurice / Suisse
Tél: +41 (0)24 485 40 40

14h00 to 17h00
9h00 to 12h00
14h00 to 17h00
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